Awakened Life

Put simply, Awakened Life is living from the most authentic version of yourself.

It is truly astounding how deeply magnificent life can be when we surrender into the gift and beauty of each moment and each breath. Awakened Life is learning to align one’s thoughts and actions so that they connect us with our highest self, our most authentic essence. It enables us to expand our hearts and tune into our inner guidance so we can move through the currents of life with greater clarity, love and grace. Through this study, we gain concrete skills that apply to all aspects of daily living and inner growth. We learn to:     

  • Tap into the well-spring of love residing within ourselves

  • Notice and let go of overt and subtle reactivity in our being

  • Decode and integrate the wisdom of the universe’s support for us moment-to-moment

  • Distinguish our inner guidance and the wisdom of the body from our limited self

  • Connect with the profound interconnectedness of existence

  • Step out of pain/suffering and the unconscious ways we recreate it in our lives

  • Experience the beauty and richness of life, no matter how it shows up

Awakened Life is deeply connected to the great wisdom traditions of the world which speak at length about our truest essence and our mystical depths. It helps us turn this potential into a tangible, livable reality through personalized guidance and repatterning/healing our unconscious mind, the invisible backdrop to our inner and outer life.

Who is this for?

This work has been of great assistance to a wide variety of people including men and women from all ages who are parents, CEO’s, substance abuse addicts, vocational tradesmen/women, spiritual teachers, educators, healers and students. Past clients have spanned a wide range, including people without any background in personal development to experienced spiritual practitioners. Lili’s work is able to offer concrete value across this span as it efficiently unearths the unconscious and energetic roots underlying all forms of limitation and is personally attuned to meet each person exactly where they are in their own personal journey.

Seminars / Workshops / Coaching

Awakened Life Seminars - The Clairsentiance Awakened Life Seminar is a 2.5-day weekend designed to help you make powerful and lasting strides in your own personal journey of awakening. The seminar is comprised of a variety of modules including sacred healing works, teachings components and integration circles. They are also capped at small numbers so that ample personal support can be offered before, after and during the weekend. Past participants report profound and lasting shifts in their lives, and are touched by the incredible care and support throughout their entire experience. 

Throughout the year, we host seminars at sacred sites around the world. Past locations have included SF/Oakland, Bali, Brazil, Byron Bay Australia, Egypt, Hawaii, New Mexico, Sedona, and Joshua Tree California. 

Awakened Life Group Teachings Classes - To deepen your practice of Awakened Life in the midst of everyday living, Lili offers in-person events and group video classes over the Internet. These classes and workshops will be a combination of guidance, energy healing, and skill training.

Awakened Life Remote Sound Healings - Throughout the year, Lili offers remote sound healings and empowerments aligned with the cycles of the moon. These events are designed to support you in the midst of a everyday living in clearing any stress or negativity, and realigning with your own inner radiance. During these experiences, participants call into a conference line and then lay down to receive Lili’s healing tones and vibrational empowerments.

Awakened Leadership Coaching Program - The Awakened Leadership Program is a 1:1 coaching program empowering leaders with higher awareness for world-class leadership. This training is an annual commitment to 1:1 and group support led by Lili, and it fundamentally transforms leaders from the inside out so they can execute with greater precision, power and grace in all facets of business and life.


To register, be placed on the mailing list for future events, or to inquire further, please contact us. We'd love to hear from you!