I am reborn and at 59 yrs old and feel better than I have in 16 years.”

I suffered from severe chronic pain in the form of debilitating headaches and neck/muscle pain that had me in bed 1-3 days per week for 15 years when finally a friend connected me to Lili. I had tried everything!  I was at the end of my rope. It was seriously hampering my life, dampening my Spirit and aging me in ways only those with chronic pain can know.  Lili created a sacred container for her work that was exquisite and led me on a deep journey that was life changing.  I not only released the stuck energy that had resided in my liver and was causing my headaches, but I also learned how I was perpetuating that pattern - I learned a deep lesson on self-love and holding center while extending empathy.  I developed a new relationship with myself and my body

I no longer have those headaches!  I am reborn at 59 yrs old and feel better than I have in 15 years.  Can you imagine that? Sit with those words for a second - it is truly profound.  For those who know chronic pain, you know the depth of what I speak. I highly recommend working with Lili for personal healing and transformation.  She holds the highest intention and works at the level of your Soul's wishes for yourself, simply activating the healing we all have at our core.  She creates a sacred container for the work - one that the healing Spirits can do their work in with safety and purity.  The final ingredient is you and your willingness and readiness to heal.  Blessed be.

— J.C.W., Social Architect and Movement Builder in his late 50’s

Lili's continued guidance and teachings have had a profoundly transformative impact on how I show up in the world

Working with Lili has given me access to my truest essence, allowing me to move through my life with a sense of calm, clarity and competence to face whatever challenges may arise. The tools she teaches are true survival skills, which have proven essential in helping me recover from an immobilizing physical trauma, as well as in guiding me through the more subtle layers of navigating life decisions, work challenges and personal relationship dynamics. 

In deeply compassionate meditation works, Lili has safely guided me through my healing process, helping me see and clear my patterns of thought, weights of distraction, and unconscious blocks with positive, lasting effects integrated into my life. Lili's continued guidance and teachings have had a profoundly transformative impact on how I show up in the world, reflected back to me through the positive shifts in my personal relationships, overall feeling of brightness and fortitude in persevering the tougher moments. Today, I feel tuned in to a higher level of awareness and alive-ness, making my life feel richer and fuller. I deeply respect and value Lili's extraordinary gifts and guidance in helping me grow and evolve. 

— J.C., Public Relations Consultant in her early 40’s

This work has truly saved my life

I have been battling addiction since I was a young teenager and my health was really starting to decline.  I was losing the support of my family; I was very hopeless and depressed and was starting to consider suicide.  In my time working with Lili, I’ve learned how to transform the difficult thoughts and feelings that have been running my life by bringing awareness to them and processing them in a loving and nurturing environment. Through her therapy and her nutrition program, gradually the fatigue, mineral loss, and circulation problems I have been experiencing from years of drug abuse have been improving. I am waking up every morning with more vitality and a more positive outlook on my life.         

I have been to more rehabilitation centers, mental health clinics, and therapists than I want to count, and none of them have been able to do for me what Lili has.  I am deeply grateful for her loving and selfless work in helping me to transform my being so that I can thrive in this world.  The therapies that she is developing here are groundbreaking and need to be spread. I feel that if Lili’s approach was adopted into mainstream treatment facilities many unnecessary tragedies could be averted. This work has truly saved my life.”

 L.S., Aspiring Chef in his mid 20’s

I now, on a daily basis, do my utmost to step into my own light and radiate from a place of delicate homage and surrender"

My ability to "sense" through the dark places within myself has vastly improved  and is largely based on the work of internal healing, the restructuring of my metaphysical understandings of the universe, and the identification of my own healing abilities. I now, on a daily basis, do my utmost to step into my own light and radiate from a place of delicate homage and surrender. It is based on a very simple concept -- self-love, fused with the amazing manifestations that come from navigating this world from a grounded center. I still react, get angry, self-sabotage, and experience "negative" emotions, but my competency in metabolizing those emotional states is faster and I am making choices that help me step towards the light rather than the darkness.

Lili is a phenomenal healer with exceptional gifts. "Healing" is in every fiber of her body and waking moments. I consider her, the team, and her sanctuary a goldmine find. I only hope she can continue to expand into the world so that others may experience the increasing peace and loving state that I am inching towards everyday."

— S.G., Nutrition Counselor in her early 40's

I no longer was plagued by compulsive, destructive behaviors, no longer having that emotional void to fill, or fears to escape."

I found my way to Lili by chance – a friend of a friend invited me to see her at a time when my pain had become so acute I was willing to try anything.  In my first work with her, Lili worked with me to identify traumatic experiences that had created deep emotional and psychic scar tissue, and to let them go. More than that, she facilitated a “cleaning” of them.  I was left with a sense of renewal, a release from old pain, from the internal wailing and raging that came from it.  It was a kind of rebirth.  

After this, I saw changes in my behavior. I slowed my self-destructive activities, I changed jobs, I moved to a new city, I began rebuilding my life.  But still, I was plagued with my troubles – I was not “all better.”  So I went back to Lili not long after.  I began to dig in to some of the deeper guilt and shame I feel in relationships with others and to myself.  Again, it was a process of becoming aware of the feelings, cleaning on them, and coming to the world with greater acuity, and greater awareness of my inner life.  But more than that, she taught me how to change that, how to re-pattern and rewire.  And how to hold that shift.

I then saw even more profound shifts in my behavior.  I no longer was plagued by compulsive, destructive behaviors, no longer having that emotional void to fill, or fears to escape.  I quit my addictions.  I was building myself up, stronger, sharper, healthier, happier and more aware by the day.  I became aware of what I was doing with Lili: really getting at the heart of the subconscious and unconscious causes that led to emotional and behavior patterns.  I had been in Psychodynamic Therapy for years, and although I was able to see certain things and identify behaviors and emotions through that modality, it didn’t nearly have the same capability as Lili to release them, clean them out, and allow me to re-pattern.  Awareness, as sought in Western psychoanalysis, is not the same as releasing the underlying demons.  The latter is the real healing.

I recommend Lili to many people.  She is an unparalleled healer. In my own work with her, she held me in her heart and she provided healing.  Lili provides this to so many, and everyone comes out with growth and brightness in their life. Her intelligence, heartfulness, understanding of human nature, and her powerful humor, all work together to create someone of such rare and incredible beauty it is hard to believe. She, and the work she does, are a great gift.

— D.S., Real Estate Executive in his mid 30’s